Call for Abstracts

We invite submissions for abstracts for presentations and posters. Share your research, experiences, and insights with the healthcare education community. The language for abstracts and posters will be Turkish. However, international participants can prepare their materials in English. The deadline for abstract submissions is August 29, 2024.

Abstract Guidelines

The symposium will accept abstracts on completed and ongoing research on academic education. Abstracts must be presented in the format outlined below and will be reviewed by the Scientific Advisory Board for originality and appropriateness for the symposium. Accepted abstracts will be presented during the meeting in the form of posters (please see format requirements below).

  • Abstracts must be no longer than 400 words in the required format (below)
    • Microsoft Word, Arial font 11.
    • Sections- Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion
    • No tables, figures, or images are allowed in the abstract.
    • Provide the names, titles, institutional affiliation of each author.
    • Provide the name, address, email, and phone of corresponding author.
    • Note if work has been presented elsewhere at the bottom of the abstract.
  • You must be registered to the symposium to be eligible for abstract submission.
    Submit Abstract
Poster Guidelines

Once your abstract is accepted by the Scientific Advisory Board for presentation, please submit a PDF version of the poster to be included in the poster session. Illustrations, graphics, or photographs can be included and should be placed in the appropriate sections. Previously presented posters not formatted to the exact specifications (see below) are NOT acceptable. Presenters will have the opportunity to interact with symposium attendees in a live question and answer session to foster future collaborations.

  • All posters should be prepared in English in the following format:
    • Layout should be portrait/vertical, and the size should be no larger than 90 cm wide by 120 cm high.
    • Each presentation should contain title of the abstract, abstract number, the names, and affiliations of the authors on top panel.
    • Files must be either in Adobe acrobat (pdf) or PowerPoint (pptx) formats and fonts greater than 22 pt are recommended.
    • Poster content should be easily read from a distance of two (2) meters.

Submit Poster